City Council approves the Implementation Plan for the Ottawa Central Library Project

On June 13, 2018, the City of Ottawa Council approved the implementation plan for the new Ottawa Central Library. The City will build the library as a joint facility with Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada at 557 Wellington Street. The City will contribute $104.2 million to the $174.8-million facility and the costs for the 200-space parking garage.
The new Central Library will be a unique, landmark destination that incorporates signature design elements based on public input. Expected to open in 2024, the joint facility will be built to LEED® Gold certification standards and be accessible by light rail transit and multi-use pathways for cyclists and pedestrians.

The architectural design firm is expected to be selected by the end of 2018 and the design development process with public input will begin in early 2019. There will be several opportunities for public engagement and consultation. Please sign-up for our updates to be notified of future activities and events.

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