Share your comments on development applications for the new Ottawa Central Library site

On February 8, 2017, Ottawa City Council approved 557 Wellington Street as the site for the new Ottawa Central Library. The site is city-owned and located at the northwest corner of Albert Street and Commissioner Street. Council directed staff to undertake the necessary actions to assign 557 Wellington Street for the Ottawa Central Library.
The City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission (NCC) have submitted Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications for the area addressed: 557, 584, and part of 587 Wellington Street, and 550 Albert Street.
The applications are to permit mixed-use development, in which a library is a permitted use under the mixed-use designation. The amendment requests generally support the implementation of the Escarpment Area District Plan from 2008. Currently, the 557 Wellington’s policy designation and zoning are residential. The amendments would permit the construction of a 40-metre-tall library at the selected site. In addition, the applications include a concept of mixed-use buildings on nearby properties owned by the City and NCC.
Visit to learn more about proposed changes. Send comments to the file planner, Andrew McCreight, by Thursday, March 15, 2018.
Visit for information on other projects in the area.