Ādisōke Construction Updates – 2022 Archives

Ādisōke exterior. West view from plaza.

Here are the updates for year 2022:

December 7, 2022

The holidays are fast approaching, and so is the completion of the substructure for Ādisōke! In the coming days, pile cap and grade beam work will be completed. Foundation walls will continue to be poured, as well as columns for the upper level of the parking garage.

This is our final construction progress update for 2022. The Ādisōke Project Team would like to wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday. We’ll see you in 2023!

November 23, 2022

The Ādisōke project is approaching an exciting milestone: the completion of the substructure! In the coming days, pile cap and grade beam work will wrap up, marking the substructure’s completion. Foundation walls will continue to be poured, as well as columns and suspended slabs for the parking garage. Waterproofing and backfilling operations are ongoing.

Additionally, next week, 28 trees along the Albert Street property line of the Ādisōke project site will be removed. This work is necessary to accommodate construction activities, including services to the building (i.e. water lines, sewer lines, gas lines etc.), as well as for the reconstruction of Albert Street, Queen Street, Slater Street and Bronson Avenue project.

Before Ādisōke opens in 2026, over 100 trees will be planted in and around the project site to support the natural environment. The project landscaping will also include native plants and shrubs that have traditional significance for Anishinābe Algonquin communities.

November 9, 2022

Work continues to progress well on Ādisōke! The first suspended slabs for the parking garage have started to be poured. In the coming days, foundation walls and columns for the parking garage will continue to be poured. Pile cap and grade beam work is ongoing, as well as waterproofing and backfilling operations.

October 26, 2022

In the coming days, caisson chipping will be completed in preparation for the final pile cap and grade beam installations. Concrete work will continue on the formation of the north and south foundation walls and concrete pouring for P2 parking garage columns. The preparation has commenced for the first concrete suspended slabs in the north-east corner of the P1 parking garage.

October 13, 2022

Over the past few days, the Ādisōke project site has been busy! Concrete was poured last Friday for the foundation. This particular section of the building’s construction was the largest single concrete pour for our site so far. It was an exciting piece in the story of the overall construction progress for Ᾱdisōke.

In the coming days, pile cap and grade beam work will continue, as well as the pouring and formation of foundation walls and parking garage columns.

September 28, 2022

In the coming days, the base for the stormwater pump will be installed. Pile cap and grade beam work will continue, as well as waterproofing and backfilling operations. The pouring of columns for the parking garage will also continue.

September 14, 2022

Progress continues on Ādisōke. In the coming days, the chamber base for the stormwater pump will be poured, and the pump chamber will be installed.

Pile cap and grade beam work will continue, as well as concrete pouring for foundation walls. Columns are also starting to be poured for the parking garage. Waterproofing and backfilling operations are ongoing.

August 31, 2022

The Ādisōke project has reached an exciting milestone: all 150 caissons have now been installed for the foundation! A second tower crane was also recently installed on site.

In the coming days, concrete pouring for the foundation walls will continue, as well as pile cap and grade beam work. Waterproofing and backfilling operations are also ongoing.

August 18, 2022

Work is progressing well on Ādisōke. In the coming days, backfilling for the stormwater tank will be completed. Caisson pouring will continue, as well as pile cap and grade beam work. Waterproofing activities will also take place.

August 3, 2022

The Labourers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) Local 527 strike has now ended and work is ramping back up on the project site.

In the coming days, caisson pouring and backfilling for the stormwater tank will continue, as well as pile cap and grade beam work. Foundation walls will continue to be formed and waterproofing activities will continue.

July 22, 2022

While the Labourers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) Local 527 strike is ongoing, some work continues on the Ādisōke site. In the coming days, work on the foundation walls will continue, as well as waterproofing work and concrete pouring for pile caps and grade beams.

July 6, 2022

Despite the latest news of the Labourers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) Local 527 strike, work continues on the Ādisōke site. While some activities will need to be rescheduled, work associated with footing, foundation and grade beams remains ongoing.

The City is monitoring the situation closely and will continue to provide regular updates.

June 22, 2022

Work continues to progress on Ādisōke. In the coming days, drilling and excavation will continue. Concrete for the first foundation wall will also be poured.

The Project Team also celebrated the setting of the foundation during an official ceremony this week.

June 8, 2022

Work is progressing on the Ādisōke project site. Drilling and excavation work continues, and the forming of foundation walls is underway.

May 26, 2022

Operating Engineers have returned to work, and construction is resuming on site this week.

In the coming days, drilling will recommence, as well as foundation work. Installation of the stormwater tank will also begin.

May 10, 2022

As you may have heard, the International Union of Operating Engineers, Institutional, Commercial, Industrial is currently on strike. The strike is province-wide and is affecting numerous construction projects, including Ādisōke. We are monitoring the situation closely and will continue to provide regular updates.

As a result, work has temporarily paused at the Ādisōke project site. Over the coming days, limited activities may take place on site, such as minor concrete pouring and steel reinforcement activities.

April 27, 2022

Work continues to progress well on site. Over the next two weeks, the stormwater tank will be installed. Deep foundation and waterproofing work will continue, as well as the installation of deep underground mechanical piping.

In honour of the National Day of Mourning, the Contractor will be conducting a mock evacuation of the site on Thursday, April 28 at approximately 11 am. Residents in the area might hear horn sounds at this time.

April 13, 2022

Work is progressing well on-site, and the contractor continues to advance the activities noted in the previous bi-weekly update.

Concrete will be placed that is needed to support the installation of the second tower crane and the storm water storage tank. The installation of deep underground mechanical piping will also commence.

March 30, 2022

Excavation on the site is still underway and will continue into the summer. The excavation will support the installation of a second crane, the storm water storage tank, and ongoing building foundation work.

Formwork and the placement of reinforcing steel will commence by the end of this week and will continue for the next year.

Drilling will continue for the deep foundations for the building structure.

Waterproofing work will continue in parallel to foundation work.

March 16, 2022

Mass excavation for the foundation will continue for approximately one more week.

Drilling of deep foundations will continue this week and into the spring.

Waterproofing work for the foundation will begin within the next two weeks.

Reinforcing steel and formwork activities will begin on the east side of the site within the next two weeks.

March 2, 2022

Mass excavation for the foundation will continue for approximately two more weeks

Breaking of rock using a hydraulic hammer will continue this week

Drilling of deep foundations will begin this week and continue into the spring

Connection of temporary power service for the site will occur within the next two weeks

February 16, 2022

Drilling for shoring piles is now complete. The following work is planned to take place in the coming days:

  • Mass excavation for the foundation will continue for the rest of the month.
  • Breaking of rock using a hydraulic hammer will continue for the rest of the month.
  • Drilling of deep foundations will begin shortly and continue into the spring.
  • The northside shoring wall will be completed within the next week.

February 2, 2022

The following work is planned to take place in the coming days:

  • Drilling for shoring piles will take place this week
  • Excavation at shoring and mass excavation for the foundation will continue through February
  • Breaking of rock using a hydraulic hammer will continue through February
  • Drilling of deep foundations will begin mid-February, and continue into the spring

January 22, 2022

Notice to Residents

The construction on Ādisōke – the Ottawa Public Library-Library and Archives Canada Joint Facility project – will be resuming after a short break, which provided time for the above-ground portion of the project to be tendered and awarded. The intention of this notice is to share some of the construction activities planned between now and late February 2022.

What: Ottawa Public Library (OPL) and Library and Archives Canada (LAC) are partnering to develop Ādisōke, a new joint facility that will house OPL’s new Central Library and LAC’s public programs and services in the National Capital Region.

When: Work will be restarting on the site this month, including shoring, excavation and caisson work (drilled concrete foundations). These activities will continue for the next four months, followed by the start of the concrete structure.

Where: The work will occur on the site of the new facility, 555 Albert Street, between Commissioner Street and Empress Street.

Who: On behalf of the project partners, the City of Ottawa has retained the Contractor, PCL Construction Canada Inc., to build this iconic and exciting facility. PCL will assist in providing information that will form the content of future updates.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa and project partners. The City makes every effort to provide access around construction sites. If you require special accommodation, please contact the project team listed below. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request, at the following link: www.ottawa.ca/accessibleformat.

Construction disruptions

The Contractor will take the necessary steps to comply with the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255). As is often the case with this type of work, some inconveniences may occur during the course of the construction work, such as traffic delays, parking restrictions, noise, lighting and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and rarely cause problems.

With the project’s proximity to critical infrastructure, vibration and monitoring sensors have been installed. These sensors will alert the project team to any vibration or movement exceeding specified limits. No exceedances have occurred to date. Those who reside close to the site can expect the following over the course of the next few months:

Drilling of augured shoring piles will start immediately and continue through February

Mass excavation and material removal from site may cause increased trucking volume in the area and will continue through February

Breaking of bedrock using hydraulic hammers will start immediately and continue into February

Drilling deep foundations through rock will start in February and continue into the spring.

This work will result in loud drilling sounds and construction equipment/truck activity that will generally run from 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday (and in accordance with the construction activity hours of work set by the Province and the City’s Noise By-law)

Construction is planned to continue until late 2025, with the official opening taking place in 2026. We would like to thank you for your patience. We recognize that living next to an active construction site is challenging.

It is our hope that when this world-class facility opens, you will be able to:

  • Chat, lounge and read in the central gathering space
  • Explore local and Canadian heritage and culture in the Exhibition Gallery
  • Access OPL’s collection for children, teens and adults
  • Attend an event in the auditorium, with beautiful views out onto the landscaped greenspace outside
  • Grab a snack in the ground floor café or dine at the fifth floor restaurant, overlooking the remarkable views to the north
  • Play, dream and learn in the OPL Children’s Discovery Centre, a vibrant and playful place for kids
  • Study and contemplate in the LAC reading rooms, with access to Canada’s extensive documentary heritage collection
  • Find the information you need in the facility’s world-class Genealogy Centre
  • Access the range of LAC’s services and resources, including a “treasures room,” showcasing the wide variety of the national collection with some of its most extraordinary items.

We commit to you that we will continue to provide information regarding what to expect living and working in close proximity to the site. As noted above, for construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).


COVID-19 is an unprecedented situation and the City of Ottawa is committed to protecting people and the community. The City continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with restrictions and recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1. For general project information, please email adisoke@ottawa.ca or contact the City’s Project Manager.

City Project Manager

Paul Hussar

Design and Construction

Email: paul.hussar@ottawa.ca

cc: Councillor Catherine McKenney, Ward 14 – Somerset

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